Schedule 9 - Exclusion of Liability

Version 1 - Released and Dated 14th November 2022


The Issuer, the Administrative, the Domiciliary and Corporate, Central Administration or Calculation Agent, the Auditor, the Paying Agent, the Settlement Agent, the Listing Agent, the Custodian, the Security Trustee and any of their shareholders, officers, employees, advisers, representatives and agents shall in no way be liable or responsible for any loss, cost, damages, expenses or inconvenience to the Noteholders or any other third parties for :

  • Any negative or poor performance of Underlying Assets,

  • The undertaking of payments of income or reimbursement or redemption to the Compartment by any debtor, holder, borrower or custodian of the Underlying Assets

  • Any decision(s), acts, omission(s), fraud(s) and more generally any act which may result from anything done or omitted to be done by any debtor, holder, borrower or custodian of the Underlying Assets

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